Day 2 of the Brandborg Harvest…

8 10 2008
Sue's first bin "dump"
Sue’s first bin “dump”

Photos from yesterday…

Things were pretty quiet today at the winery, the fruit we were supposed to receive will arrive tomorrow.

On the vineyard side of things, all our measures to drive away the cedar waxwings have been unsuccessful.   For those of you who aren’t familiar with them, they are a very beautiful small (migratory) bird, light gray with a yellow belly and a black mask like a raccoon. They send in their scouts and when the fruit starts to get close to ripening, they invite their whole extended families to join in on the feeding frenzy!  It is enough to make a grapegrower grouchy and anxious.  So we are rounding up some troups to help apply our netting tomorrow.  A lot of labor, but when compared to losing your whole crop to birds, there is no comparison. We can’t quite figure out why they seem to be attracted to our vineyard and not the others in the area.  Maybe due to the fact that we are an isolated hilltop, or maybe just because they know a good taste when they do!

Cold temp last evening 42 degrees…don’t want to be concerned about cold now too!  Farming is farming and control what you can and let the rest GO!  It is easier said than done for me,,,

Cheers and looking forward to another day tomorrow!

"See this is how it is done"



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